Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, by Edwin A. Abbott from 1884 describes how A Square, an inhabitant of the 2-dimensional world of Flatland, encounters Lineland, Pointland, and Spaceland with the help of A Sphere.  Abbott explores the differences of worlds limited by dimensions and invites us to think about what a fourth-dimensional being might be like.

A Sphere would visit Flatland once every thousand years.  A couple of millennia have passed since the book.  And this time, Spaceland seems to be invading!  And they are colorful.

Begin as a two-dimensional being with only one dimension of vision (and a handy mini-map!)  Discover the ancient lab that had once tried to stop the Spacelanders.  Have your vision expanded, take up a light gun to banish the invaders, and discover The Great Device that could save Flatland from Spaceland forever.


[Enter] - Continue

[Esc] - Quit

[C] - Controls

[W,A,S,D], [Arrow Keys] - Movement

[Mouse] - Look

[Left Click] - Fire (N.B. the game says "Right Click" - a Game Jam rush job from a confused south-paw.)

[Space] - Jump

[1,2,3,4,5,6] - Select Color

[Tab] - Select Next Color

[`] - Select Previous Color


https://kenney.nl: kenney_ui-pack; kenney_ui-pack-rpg-expansion 

https://joelfrancisburford.itch.io/: Joel Francis Burford Free JRPG 8-Bit Music + SFX Samples

GameDev.tv: Game Jam Starter Kit v2


SpacelandMustBeStopped.zip 27 MB

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